Pick’n up the Trash Aim: This game improves acceleration, speed and hand eye coordination. Players pick up tossed balls and return them back to the start. Equipment: 12 baseballs One bucket Set up: No set up needed Procedure: Have all players...
Slåball Game Session Rules Each session consists of: 1. Warm up- 5mins. 2. Throwing- 10mins. 3. Fielding- 10mins. 4. Hitting- 10mins. 5. Base running- 5mins. 6. Slåball Game- 30mins. Allow for 2 min. change over time between each station. This will give you time to...
Bucket Line Drill Level: ALL Purpose: To work on your player’s fielding skills and do some conditioning Equipment: Plastic Balls, Safety Balls or Baseballs Description: This is a great way to get a lot of fielding reps for players. Execution: Set up a cone about...
Rats and Rabbits Aim: This game improves acceleration. Players react at high speed to either their left or right. Equipment: Three markers Set Up: Place first marker on ground. i.e. between 1st and 2nd base Place second marker 30ft to the right of the first...
Slåball Game Session 2 Slåball Game Session 2 Duration Activity Equipment Warmup 5 Mins Ship To Shore Two lines 10m apart Everyone lines up on one line, which will be “shore” The other line is called “ship” Coach will call either “ship” or “shore” If “ship is called...
Line Grounders Drill Level: ALL Purpose: To work on your player’s proper positioning and receiving of ground balls Equipment: Plastic Balls Description: This is a great way to analyze and work with players on the fundamentals of receiving ground balls Execution: ...