Underarm return relay
Players run to a point, return and on the way back pick up a ball and throw it underarm to the teammate next in line.
This pattern continues. (4 or more players).
• Mark a starting line and a midway line, and place a distant marker to run around (turning point).
• Form teams of 4 – 6 players.
• Place the ball on the midway line.
• Player 1 runs around the turning point and back towards the team, picking up the ball on the midway line.
• The ball is thrown underarm to player 2, player 1 joins the end of the team.
• Player 2 runs to the midway line, deposits the ball and continues to the turning point, then runs back, picks up the ball and throws it underarm to player 3.
• Continue until player 1 is again at the head of the line.
Change it up:
Instead of placing the ball on the midway line, a player with limited mobility or ball throwing ability is situated at the midway line and an appropriate pass or handover is made.