Dodge Ball Aim: This game improves agility, acceleration and hand eye coordination. Players are dodging other players who have possession of a ball and are attempting to tag them. Equipment: Eight markers Basket ball Set up: Place markers in a circle. The area...
Slåball Game Session 4 Slåball Game Session 4 Duration Activity Equipment Warmup 5 Mins Stuck in the mud Nominate one person to be “it” That player attempts to tag as many people as possible Players who are tagged must stand in that spot with feet spread a part...
Musical Base Aim: This game improves the knowledge of players of base running. Players are scattered in the infield and the Coach calls a name of a base. All players then run to the named base. Equipment: ? Three bases ? One home plate ? Stereo Set up: 3. Place all...
Catch Me If You Can Aim: This game improves acceleration, speed and agility. Player accelerates to one spot and then turns the opposite direction and accelerates again to the start. Equipment: Three markers Set up: Place one marker on the ground for the starting point...
Slåball Game Session 3 Slåball Game Session 3 Duration Activity Equipment Warmup 5 Mins Bridge Stone Tree relay Teams of 5-6 line up behind cones First member runs out and forms a bridge Second person goes under bridge and forms stone Third person goes under bridge,...
Cat and Mouse Aim: This game improves base running. Players run around the bases without being caught by the player behind them. Equipment: • Home plate • 3 bases Setup: 1. Place bases on the ground at regular base path distance Procedure: 1. Split team into two lines...