Blast Ball
Blast Ball
Learning intention Blast ball is a game that builds on hitting and fielding skills and encourages teamwork and thoughtful placement of the ball. It provides a good introduction to softball and baseball.
How to:
1. Form 2 teams of 6
2. The fielding team take their positions in the field
3. A batter hits a ball off a tee into the field and attempts to reach the blast base before 1st base receives the ball
- If the batter reaches the base before a defensive player either catches the ball in the air or fields it and yells ‘BLAST’, they score a run
- The batter can continue running until the fielding team yells ‘BLAST’
- Allow each team to bat through their order before changing over
- The batter scores 1 run for each base reached
1 batting tee per group,
1 foam bat per group,
1 foam ball per group,
1 Blast base per group
Skill focus
Fielding, throwing, catching, shot placement, striking and teamwor