Forc’em Back – Hitting Aim: This game improves hitting: Players toss the ball up into the air before they hit the ball for distance. Equipment: Four markers One bat One baseball Set up: Place two markers 20m a part, on the foul line. Place the...
Croc Frenzy Aim: This game improves fielding. Player’s from a large circle and attempt to stop ground balls leaving the circle. Equipment: • Baseballs • One glove per player Set up: No set is needed. Procedure: 1. Player’s form a large circle. 2. Players get into...
Bucket Line Drill Level: ALL Purpose: To work on your player’s fielding skills and do some conditioning Equipment: Plastic Balls, Safety Balls or Baseballs Description: This is a great way to get a lot of fielding reps for players. Execution: Set up a cone about...
Driving Range Aim: This game improves hitting. Players hit a ball off a tee for distance. Equipment: Tee Bat Baseballs Markers Set up: Place the tee at home plate. Procedure: Players hit one ball each as far as they can. Markers can be used to...
Roll-a-goal Aim: This game improves fielding. Players attempt to roll a baseball through opponents goals. Equipment: • Eight markers • One baseball • One glover per player Set up: 1. Place two markers 10 m apart on the foul ball line. 2. Place another two marker 20 m...
Butterfly Relay Drill Divide your players into two equal groups. Each group will “run” the relay course against the clock or the other group. Player vs. player can be fun and exciting but also runs the risk of players colliding and falling. Running against the clock...