Musical Base Aim: This game improves the knowledge of players of base running. Players are scattered in the infield and the Coach calls a name of a base. All players then run to the named base. Equipment: ? Three bases ? One home plate ? Stereo Set up: 3. Place all...
Relay Race Aim: This game improves throwing. Players are throwing a baseball to each other. Equipment: Glove per player Two baseballs Set up: No set up needed Procedure: Split players into two teams. Position teams in a straight line with each player evenly spread...
Slåball Game Session Rules Each session consists of: 1. Warm up- 5mins. 2. Throwing- 10mins. 3. Fielding- 10mins. 4. Hitting- 10mins. 5. Base running- 5mins. 6. Slåball Game- 30mins. Allow for 2 min. change over time between each station. This will give you time to...
Chicken Tag Aim: This game improves acceleration, speed and agility. Players are attempting to tag each other behind the knee. Equipment: No equipment needed. Set up: No set up needed. Procedure: Pair players (Chickens) up with each other. Chickens attempt to peck...
Target Tee Aim: This game improves hitting. Players hit a ball off a tee and attempt to hit a stationary target. Equipment: Baseballs Tees Tennis balls Bats Set up: Squeeze tennis balls into chain link of fence. Place tee five paces away from fence and in line of...
Hoola Hoop Catching Aim: This game improves receiving. A hoola hoop is used instead of a glove. This helps the progress of young players to use an object (glove) to receive the ball. Equipment: • Hoola hoop • Basket ball Set up: 1. No set up needed. Procedure: 1. A...