Thunderball Packed with competition, throwing & catching, hitting, baserunning & hustling, this drill has everything you need to improve your players & your practice! As coaches, we’re always looking for new drills. Drills, drills, drills. But not all...
Leader Throw Aim: This game improves throwing and receiving. Players throw the ball to each other. Equipment: Glove per player One baseball per group Set up: No set up needed Procedure: Split players in four teams. Nominate one player of each team...
Bridge Stone Tree Relay Aim: This game improves speed, agility and core stability. This relay race has players sprinting between jumping over and crawling under objects. Equipment: No equipment needed Set Up: No set up needed Procedure: Split...
Big Target Practice While we all get a little nervous before games, we all enjoy competition because it makes things fun and exciting. So discover a way you can do that yourself during practice – and it’s simple. You’re going to need a bucket (any kind), a bunge cord,...
Throwing Golf Aim: This game improves throwing. Players are aiming at a stationary target have execute long and short throws. Equipment: Five hoola hoops Baseball per player Set up: Scatter each hoola hoop (holes) around the baseball field. You will need...
Swing Warm-Up Purpose In this drill, players spend about five minutes working on their swing, starting at a slow speed and working up to game speed when they get comfortable. It works through the mechanics of the swing from the finish to the start and from the start...